BAC Fighters Love In-person Outreach, Videos, and Swag! — Insights from the 2017 BAC Fighter Survey


Almost 700 BAC Fighters participated in the 2017 BAC Fighter Survey. (Thank you!) Getting your input helps us to direct our resources toward your interests. Here are a few highlights:

Cooperative Extension Is Tops
Most BAC Fighters are from cooperative extension or university, closely followed by K-12 school systems. Local, state, and federal government combined made up about the same percentage of BAC Fighters as extension.

Up-Close and Personal Outreach
The largest percentage of BAC Fighters (33%) report that they educate 50 to 100 people in a year.
This likely means that they’re using small class formats, which explains why print materials are the tools used most heavily by BAC Fighters (at 78%). Of those who responded, 56% rated direct person-to-person contact and 53% rated classes or speaking engagements as their main tools.

Budget Stretchers to the Max
Most BAC Fighters (65%) are from organizations spending $10,000 or less in a year on educating consumers about safe food handling.

What Would You Do With…
BAC Fighters have many ideas about what they would do with more resources. The largest number said they would boost outreach with classes, health fairs, and community events. The next largest number of respondents said they would want more videos for teaching different audiences. The third largest group of respondents would use more giveaway items: food thermometers, color handouts, magnets, cutting boards.

“No Assessment” Still Ranks Too High
BAC Fighters use many methods to assess efforts, but some have no formal method of measuring the success of their work. The largest group of respondents uses feedback, evaluations, and surveys; the next largest group uses pre- and post-tests; the third largest group of BAC Fighters said they do no assessment; the fourth largest group reported using observation.

Helping Build Community
About 12% of BAC Fighters are ready to share a story with us about their work and have it featured in our blog. Over three times that many, 40%, said they may be willing to share a story. And about a quarter of BAC Fighters said they would be interested in talking to us about getting more involved in efforts to improve food safety education.

Would you be willing to share your outreach story? Help build the BAC Fighter community!
It’s easy. Just visit the Your Story submission page.