Put a Damper on this “Camper”


Campylobacter jejuni is a common foodborne germ that causes illness in 1.3 million people each year in the United States.* During the summer, take action to reduce the risk of food poisoning at your cookout or picnic!

Here’s why your family should avoid this summer “camp”. The symptoms of Campylobacter jejuni include abdominal cramps, diarrhea and fever. These symptoms can last 7 to 10 days! Even more seriously, C. jejuni can be potentially deadly for the elderly, children under age 5, and people whose immune systems are weakened due to illness or medical treatment.

These easy food safety steps will reduce your risk of food poisoning from Campylobacter so you can have a great summer cookout:

NEW! Safe Recipe Style Guide
We’ve got delicious recipes that include food safety prompts based on the Safe Recipe Style Guide. The Style Guide is a new tool for recipe developers that helps them build basic safe food handling prompts into recipes.

Check out these safe recipes for Grilled Basil Chicken, Miso-Marinated Short Ribs, and Cantaloupe Gazpacho. Download more recipes that include food safety steps to stay healthy this summer!

Learn more from the CDC about the risks of Campylobacter.

*Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Julia Scott is studying Health Science as an undergraduate at Boston University. She is an intern with PFSE during Summer 2019.