Science Working Group Observer Response Form Please respond no later than Monday, Nov. 2. Thank you. Name *FirstLastOrganization *Mobile Phone *Email *Intention to Participate Please note, if you accept the invitation to participate as an Observer of the science convening for review of core consumer safe handling messages, you agree that the time commitment will be between 2-3 hours between November and mid-January. In your role as observer you will be invited to observe a November 5 Noon Eastern live meeting and a November 17 10 a.m. Eastern live meeting. Let us know if you accept the invitation to participate: *Yes, I accept the invitation to participate as an Observer of the science convening for review of core consumer safe food handling messages. I intend to observe one or both of the meetings.No, I am unable to participate as an Observer in the science convening for review of core consumer safe food handling messages. I would like to designate a member of my team to observe in my stead: (please provide contact information below)Alternate Attendee First and Last Name:Alternate Attendee Mobile Phone Number:Alternate Attendee Email:Comments:CommentSubmit