Your Best Recipe, Only Safer! Enter the 30-Minute Meals Safe Recipe Contest!


Have you found that the coronavirus pandemic has set you up to do much more cooking at home? If so, you are among the 45%* of Americans who are cooking more meals at home now.

We’re excited to offer a great way for you to share that best main dish recipe you’ve been working on. Your winning recipe could be shared with thousands of other people through the Partnership for Food Safety Education’s Safe Recipe Contest!

The contest kicks off June 23, 2020, and it’s easy to enter! Here are the highlights:

  • Use the Safe Recipe Style Guide to write your recipe instructions — or turn your existing recipe into a safe recipe using the guide. It’s easy!
  • Take a high-quality photo (300+ PPI)
  • Visit the Safe Recipe Contest entry page and fill out the submission form, making sure to attach both your recipe and photo.

It’s that simple to enter!

You might ask — what is a safe recipe? A safe recipe incorporates basic food safety steps. So when you — or anyone — uses the recipe, you’ll be reducing your risk of food poisoning. The Partnership for Food Safety Education’s Safe Recipe Style Guide walks you through the process of writing a safe recipe.

When recipes contain food safety instructions, people follow them. In fact, 90% of people wash their hands using recipes with safety instructions, compared to only 59% who wash their hands while preparing food without safety instructions.

To enter the Safe Recipe Contest, you must be a U.S. resident and eligible in one of these four categories:

  • BAC Fighters – Health and Food Safety Educators, Nutrition Educators, Dietitians, Teachers or Cooperative Extension agents
  • Food Writers/Bloggers – You must have an active blog or social media platform where you promote/post recipes.
  • Kids – Any youth ages 5 to 17. You must have a parent/guardian permission to enter.
  • Employees of Food Retailers and Grocery Stores – Your employer must be a member of the Food Industry Association (FMI) or National Grocers Association (NGA).

Choose your category when you fill out the submission form.

One winner will be chosen from each of the four categories below for a cash prize of $50 AND the winning recipe will be featured in an online cookbook distributed to thousands of people through! Each category winner will be entered into the Grand Prize selection pool.

Qualified judges will choose a Grand Prize winner who will receive:

  • A total $100 cash prize
  • Feature in the safe recipes online cookbook
  • AND see their winning recipe developed into a professionally-produced recipe video in English and Spanish

How cool is that?

So bang your pots and pans (as you take them out to cook), and get ready to enter your recipe before the Monday, August 17 deadline! 

This is the first PFSE recipe contest, which is a major effort to make every recipe a safe recipe. We’re excited to see and (possibly share) your submission. You may enter two (2) recipes per household.

More contest information and official rules are available at Please look around the rest of our site for dozens of free food safety resources

Don’t forget to sign up for our emails so you will NOT miss any news about the contest. 

Remember, your recipe entry must be received by Monday, August 17. Incomplete entries will not be considered. Winners will be announced online in early September 2020.

When you enter, be sure to Tweet about it by using #SafeRecipeContest

Don’t want to enter yourself, but know a great cook who should? Share the contest! 

With dozens of new delicious and safe recipes, pretty soon everyone will make improvements in handwashing, using food thermometers, rinsing produce and other healthy food preparation behaviors.

If you have any questions about the contest or the Safe Recipe Style Guide, please contact us at

We look forward to seeing your safe, delicious recipes! Good luck!

*April 2020 Axios-Ipsos poll

Chef Leslie Owens is lead BAC Fighter on the 30-Minute Meals Safe Recipe Contest. Leslie is a chef and writer from Central Florida. She is guardian of the furry Stooges.