Latest News from the Partnership for Food Safety Education

Keep Takeout & Home-Delivered Food Safe

When the pandemic began, most restaurants closed for a while. Some restaurants only allowed takeout and others had drive-through windows. Unfortunately, some restaurants closed permanently due to loss of revenue and staffing challenges. According to the National Restaurant Association, the restaurant industry lost $280 billion in sales during the first 13 months of the pandemic…

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Food Safety for the Reel World

Everyone’s making food videos these days! What’s missing in nearly all visual cooking mediums is food safety. Even simple things like handwashing or washing cutting boards with soap and water after handling raw poultry are hit or miss… but mostly miss. PFSE is working to change this.

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What’s Your Food Safety Game Plan?

It’s time for the big game! Millions of families will gather to watch the biggest sporting event of the year. And where there’s a Super Bowl viewing party, there’s also plenty of food!

Don’t invite germs to the party. Follow these food safety rules from our game-winning playbook.

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Five Food Safety Resolutions for 2022

A resolution is a course of action that you have decided on and are determined to complete. For 2022, why not try making some food safety resolutions? Reducing your household’s risk of food poisoning through proper hand hygiene, safe food handling, and food storage, will pay off with many benefits, including reducing risk of other bacterial or viral diseases. Now is a great time to commit the entire family to consistent practice of food safety basics…

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Sweet Treats, Healthy Eats!

‘Tis the season for baking! Sweet treats — cookies, cakes and pies — are delicious traditional goodies for winter holiday celebrations. According to NCSolutions, household spending on sweet and dessert items and baking supplies were 20% greater in the first two weeks of November than at the same time last year. Many Americans love baking at home. But not everyone is aware that mishandling raw batter or raw dough can be risky to their families’ health — especially for children! These important tips will help…

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Texas 4-H Food Challenge Inspires Students

Julie Gardner, Ph.D. has been an Extension Agent, and now an Extension Specialist, with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension for over 25 years. During her time with the extension, she’s had the opportunity to participate in and develop numerous programs but her “favorite activity to do with youth” is the “4-H Food Challenge.” Julie graciously took the time to sit down and share with PFSE staff about the 4-H Food Challenge and what makes it so special.

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